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The “Bee Exchange”

The Bee Exchange is open to all South Chilterns members and places bees where they are needed. ‘Bees’ are defined as: a Nuc(leus), a Colony, or a Swarm.

A Nuc is defined as a small colony of bees comprising of a mated queen and worker bees on 5 or 6 frames. We recommend a Nucleus breed from stock of known origin and quality. The club beeds Nucs each season expressly for our members. we would strongly advise members and particularly beginners to take advantage of this resource. Please contact


A Colony will be a mature hive of bees on a full set of frames and would typically be sold by a member with too much stock.

Both Colonies and Nucs are sold at a price agreed between seller and buyer. The seller will define the quality of the bees including their origin and history.


A Swarm is collected by one of our South Chilterns Swarm Collectors free-of-charge. Preferably it is passed on without delay in a cardboard collecting box. Although our S.C. Swarm Collectors are happy to help fellow members, it would be appropriate to offer to pay for their petrol/ travel expenses. If a swarm is received on frames, the receiver should replace the frames.

Warning: Swarms usually come from unidentified stock and their health and temperament are unknown. Before registering to accept a swarm a member should have equipment ready to hive it and be fully briefed on how to proceed. Refer the many good books available but first read the BBKA leaflet L004 at:

We ask our registered South Chilterns Collectors to remain on our swarm list until the swarm season is over. We aim to match collected swarms, against a register of members who would like to house swarms.

If you need bees, email:

NOTE: The BBKA 3rd party insurance policy has an excess of £250. When handling bees, members are entirely responsible for their own actions.


Revised v3 20/3/2015

© 2013 - 2023 South Chilterns Beekeepers’ Association. All rights reserved.

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